• BIS Bean Bag Toss


    Title IV-B 21st Century Community Learning Center 


    The South Panola School District participates in the 21st Century Community Learning Center. 

    21st CCLC supports after-school tutorial programs, and summer remedial/enrichment programs. It also offers families of students several opportunities for active and meaningful engagement in their child’s education, including opportunities for literacy and related educational development.

    The program employs highly qualified certified and paraprofessional staff. The after-school tutorial program is offered during the spring, while the summer tutorial/enrichment programs are offered during the month of June.

    Transportation and snacks are provided to the students and the program is offered at all six South Panola School District school campuses, along with the enrichment program being offered at the Boys and Girls Club and Hoskins Learning Center.  

    Parents are encouraged to take part in the annual parent surveys to offer the input on the South Panola School District by clicking here and opening the link in a new window

    For more information about this program and each school's prior evaluations, call South Panola School District Office at 563-9361.